BOCHK warns of phishing emails
It has reported the case to Hong Kong authorities.
Bank of China Hong Kong (BOCHK) has warned customers to phishing email coming from a specific email address.
In a statement, BOCHK said that emails from boc@ bocbusiness[dot]com[dot]ho intends to steal customers’ data. The bank said that it has reported the case to the Hong Kong Monetary Authority and the Hong Kong Police Force.
“BOCHK declares that it has no connection with the phishing email,” the bank said in a press release.
BOCHK further advised its customers to verify any emails that claim to be sent from BOCHK, and to delete “suspicious emails and attachments immediately without opening them.”
For customers who have received the phishing email, made payments or provided personal information to the said email, they are urged to immediately contact the BOCHK Customer Service Hotline.