JP Morgan unveils its enhanced online banking platform in Asia Pacific
ACCESS lets clients do financial transactions in a single location.
J.P. Morgan has unveiled the next generation of J.P. Morgan ACCESS, the firm’s market-leading online electronic banking platform for corporate, financial institution and commercial banking clients, in the Asia Pacific region.
Asian Banking and Finance interviewed Hooi Him Saw, Asia Pacific head of Global Client Access, J.P. Morgan Treasury Services, to learn more about the new platform.
ABF: What spurred the launch of the next generation ACCESS in AsiaPac?
Clients are looking for integrated end-to-end solutions and greater flexibility in connecting with their financial institutions. In response to changing requirements and technology developments, J.P. Morgan took the opportunity to build an all-new ACCESS online solution with significantly streamlined integration with our back-end systems.
We made the decision to launch ACCESS next generation in phases so that our technology solutions remain state-of-the-art, applications are global in scope and allow our clients to be transitioned seamlessly. We began introducing the next generation platform to clients in 2012 and are thrilled to be unveiling it in Asia Pacific now.
ABF: What's new about it for JP Morgan?
J.P. Morgan ACCESS next generation delivers a totally new banking experience for our clients. It was built based on collaboration with our clients and offers a simple, intuitive design ensuring a consistent, integrated and easy-to-use experience.
It is designed to save clients time. Administration tasks like setting up new users have been tremendously streamlined and take effect immediately following approvals; faster and more efficient workflow in making a full range of payment types; a consistent and integrated way for users to manage and monitor their daily cash, liquidity and information needs.
Other improved capabilities include: flexible customization around individual users’ need; enhanced alerts; increased localization features; and consistent tools across products. To ensure our clients can quickly learn about and maximize their use of the new platform, ACCESS next generation offers an innovative online Community, a single and consistent location for product & service-related support.
ABF: What do you hope to achieve with this initiative?
By creating a more comprehensive online experience through which customers can perform all of their necessary financial transactions in a single location, J.P. Morgan is meeting the critical need for a consolidated view of a company’s financial position with easy access to actionable information.
Merging back-end systems with optional front-end connectivity – online portal, mobile, host-to-host (direct) – will mean clients are no longer constrained by time, place or device, but able to manage their cash, investments and risks and exposures in real-time, to meet their needs.